Where to find beach resorts in the Americas
and in the countries of Pan America.
Peruvian River Lodges
Amazon Explorama Lodges
Amazon Rainforest Lodge
24 Peruvian bungalow lodge on the Moman River, a tributary
of the Nanay River, which is a tributary of
the Amazon river.
Amazon Yarapa River Lodge
Five eco lodges in Peru, on the Amazon and Napo Rivers
and their tributaries of the Amazon Basin.
Brazilian River Lodges
- Acajatuba Jungle Lodge (Acajatuba River)
- Aldeia dos Lagos
- Amazon Antonio Jungle Tours and Hostel Manaus
- Amazon Ecopark Jungle Lodge (Taruma River)
- Amazon Jungle Palace (Negro River)
- Amazon Rainforest Adventure Station
- Amazon Riverside Hotel (Solimoes and Negro Rivers)
- Amazon Village
- Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge (Negro River)
- Ariau Amazon Towers (canopy level lodge)
- Cristalino Jungle Lodge
- Flotel Piranha Eco Lodge
- Juma Lodge
- Lago Lodge
- Pousada Amaz�nia
- Pousada Uacari
- Tiwa Amazonas Ecoresort